Sector Antioch Wiki
United Provinces of Elysion

Обединените Провинции Елысион
Provincias Unidas de Elysión
Províncias Unidas do Elysión
Provinces-Unies d'Élysionne
Flag of Aerumaen Elysia Provincianan Uni di Lision
Flag of Tugali Elysium エリシオン合衆国

Elysion with flag
(right) Elysion in relation to continents Selatan and Utara.

(left) The official flag of the United Provinces of Elysion.


Insofar as we stand as one, the spirit of our invincibility will be immeasurably massive.

Capital (and largest city)

Puerto Alegre


Oporto language (official)
Unidante language (official)
Santandían language (official)
Común language (all dialects) (official)
French language (unofficial)
Tibakkan language (unofficial)
Simbo language (unofficial)
Japanese language (unofficial)
Kiamziati Script (unofficial written)
New Oporto language (official)
Cyrillic Bulgarian script (unofficial written)

-Vice President
-Falando speaker

presidential federal republic
Manuel Jíminez
Hernán Bregones
Amanda Dygosloneä

Civilian population (as of 5/10/10)


Troop count (as of 5/10/10)




Major cities

Puerto Alegre
Puerto Bonito
Puerto Gibralta

The United Provinces of Elysion is a presidential federal republic located on the Tugalaise Isthmus, which bridges continents Selatan and Utara. The country was created on May 10, 2010 after the independences of the Elysian Colonial Zone and Colonial Republic of Elysia, respectively colonies of Tugal and Silvermoon, were won. The two Elysian colonies then fused under a single government under Manuel Jíminez based in Puerto Alegre. It is the first colony in the First Region of planet Antioch to successfully declare independence.

Tugali Elysium and Aerumaen Elysia were created in a joint colonization venture set forth by the Elysian Pact. The outbreak of the Valentine War caused rising taxation in the Tugali sector of the Elysian colonies, ultimately resulting in the Pi Day Riots on March 14, 2010; the violent suppression of the revolt led to mass outrage that ultimately caused the Tugalaise Coup, in which governor Jonas Mykoldeä was overthrown, executed, and supplanted with corregidor Manuel Jíminez. Tugal was far too occupied to send an invasion force, given that the Second Fleet of Oporto Arawica, which was the main Tugali presence based in Tugali Elysium, supported Jíminez; Silvermoon, in contrast, lost so much capital in the endeavor that the nation could not afford to spend money on the military invasion necessary retake its colony.

Elysion controls a vital position on the Skyllia Trade Route, which passes through the Elysian Channel at the heart of the nation.
