Sector Antioch Wiki

The Defender of Life task force of the Gobalese Navy was a naval division comprised of three ships that was created at Kingdom Naval Base for the purpose of participating in the Valentine War. It was the first Gobalese naval division to be completed, but was defeated by Parker Lloyesia and the TNAF Daishun during the Serpentine Blockade confrontations.



All three ships were constructed at Kingdom Naval Base on the Hadrumentum Sea through use of sheer slave labor. The effort killed thousands of slaves, but the three Gobalese warships were completed in time to see action.

When the Defender of Life and her task force met the more-powerful TNAF Daishun in battle, both the Goldeä Alfa and Goldeä Charlie were destroyed and sunk, with nearly all hands lost. However, the Defender of Life herself was surrounded and forced to surrender to the Daishun and her task force, and was commanded by Tugali forces until she too was sunk in battle with the ACRAG Yimata.
